terça-feira, 14 de outubro de 2008


Provinces of Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia, Canada:

Several Freedomite (Svobodniki or Sons of Freedom) Doukhobors engaged in nude protests throughout Canadian history. In May of 1903 they went on a nude march and were persecuted. In 1932 the B.C. Government allotted Piers Island, located in the Pacific Ocean near Vancouver, where close to 900 people were sentenced to 3 years for their nude protests.

From The Origins of the Freedomite Movement (by William A. Soukeroff):

"The Freedomite (Svobodniki or Sons of Freedom) Doukhobors began as a small, radical movement to reinvigorate the faith, restore traditional Doukhobor values and protest the sale of land, education, citizenship and registration of vital statistics. They would achieve infamy through civil disobedience, nude marches and burnings."

2 comentários:

Canuck disse...

O que será que pesquisavas p'ra encontrares isto?

Kris disse...

nada que tu não gostes!